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Available Online

Student Study Plan

The student planning session you need to better organised!

50 min
35 British pounds
Online Session

Service Description

This service is for students who want to study better. Many students are or have set goals but can neglect the fine prints needed to effectively achieve them; whether that is the type of worker they are, their organisation skills, and their self-care routine. In your session, you and your study-advisor we develop a suitable study schedule that will include: - Assessment deadlines - Personal self-care routine - Healthy study boundaries and much more to be encapsulated into a plan. Book Now! Don't procrastinate!

Cancellation Policy

Please note, to cancel or reschedule, allow 48 hours notice.

Contact Details

+44 (0) 7898492389

DW Clock and Study.jpg

Example of how we can visually design a full-study day for you, based on research and your study and learning needs. 

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